I am writing into eternity,the writings of victory and victory in Christ Jesus .Get along with me as i begin to share Life experiences in a brand new way from Nigeria with you wherever you are...

Friday, April 23, 2010

April's Fools or Eternal fools

I do wonder what people mean by that.
Honestly i have to hate what people meant by this phrase"April's Fool".Some will say,"it is because you are born in April" but that's not the case at all.It is because everyone in this our generations SEEMS a fool.Even the wise looks  fool.Paul the Apostle said "We are fools for Christ's sake, but ye are wise in Christ; we are weak, but ye are strong; ye are honourable, but we are despised." (KJV).
More so:
For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God's sight. As it is written: "He catches the wise in their craftiness." (1 Corinthians 3:19)
"For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God." (1 Corinthians 1:18).
The two bible passages are in contrast.While God loathes the wisdom of the people of this world,they in contrary count the message of the cross as a basic foolishness.
What i am writing in essence is that there is nothing like April's fools,unless you just want to take a handful of the foolishness of mankind as a form of celebrating.

I have heard of April's fools for long.Television too do promote its celebration.
The truth is that,if you don't believe in Jesus or in the message of the cross,you are coming one day at the end to be a fool.You may be one wisest being  on earth today but you going to be the worst fool on the day of judging.No way of escape.Ones wisdom,academic,business skills will not be able to save in those days.

It will be better if we consider the eternal case rather than celebrating  a minor form of fools when the chief fool lurks behind you waiting to bring you into light.It is only those who are in Christ that are wise.They have save what is worth saving!!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Happy birthday to me......................!!!!!!

I want to write on that topic.I am born in April 20th 1982 clocking some years on the planet earth.Mathematically,if you calculate you are correct,that's my age but that not my real age.The real age is when i gave my life to Jesus.It is very close to the time i was born.
I have walked,run,fly and fell several times in this race before me as a child of God.I have given my life to Jesus from childhood.The Lord has been with me.I have felt him always.There are notable days i knew i  fell,but by his grace i am here again in the presence of God.
I want to say it here that there is nothing like a birthday in the flesh only.Flesh that covers your body is wanton of comforts and exuberance.Flesh loves costly and adorable things.Flesh by all its wants is dead.The insatiable wants and lusts of flesh has killed it.
I   knew that is my  age fleshly but not my spiritual age.

So here,i am rejoicing i have been born not only by my mother but also through the Spirit of God.I am born again.That's my joy.
I give God the glory for counting me among the living to see this day another day and a  wonderful day.
Happy birthday in both to me!!