I am writing into eternity,the writings of victory and victory in Christ Jesus .Get along with me as i begin to share Life experiences in a brand new way from Nigeria with you wherever you are...

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

My thinking on Africa!

"Africa, what a  continent you are!" I said this because in you was i born and bred... but i don't think i am gonna live in you all my life...
I have wondered lately why God has so blessed Africa the way he did.Is it the blessings of the land,water or of the air, her good weather that i am to considered.Well, when you talked of human and intellectual resources Africa is blessed with great number of leading brains scattered all over the world, in terms of raw materials, a form of natural resources with examples like the bodies of waters;Ocean and the sea, logs; Obeche, Mahogany, Iroko trees to mention a few.We have them.Great trees abound in Africa than any other continents over the world.Raw materials like Iron ores, granites,sand, marbles etc, don't forget that God so blessed mother Africa with Crude Oil.The major raw materials the world will always need.

Then why is Africa in so much an abject poverty! It is no more an unanswered question to me  because the glaring truth is clearly understood, that Africa is behind her own mischief.I mean is it because Africa is a black continent that she has been suffering retrogression all these centuries?.Can you believe that we are the second most populous continent in the world but we relied on a few countries economic policy to survive.
The painful part is that we dance all at large to tunes we heard but not meant for us.No wonder that when there is no grants,no  solid budgets!!! No loans, no rehabilitation of roads,no medical support,no completion of projects,no electricity supply!!!! Africa you are doomed,what  messes in the midst of abundances.

Wail Africa because  those who eats you to bone were not satisfied yet,when they goes out to test or run  how rich they have become in abroad they do found out that they are not richer than the high school teacher over there because your currencies are too weak!!!!Millions looted in African currencies is not equivalent to millions in other parts of the world.When they return ,they  begins looting afresh..... ,i am sobbing for my continent.... just like when  Rachel  was weeping for her children and refusing to be comforted.

Prayers will do away all your problems when you O land begins to renew your thinking, when one, two, five,... gathered with  sincere minds to declare how the land of the blacks is to move forward putting God's fear as the foremost,fellow's and common care next and oneself comfort as the last.Presently,there is no fear of GOD in Africa at large.Common interest were not sought for and common problems keep abounding and multiplying in  geometrical rates,what a pity!

These trends must not continue,the trend of corruption,selfishness,massive unrest,depending on grants and loans by African governments to  finance budget,if we,the masses,rich man,his wives and his children in this African continent  were not  to remain perpetual, confirmed  beggars of the world.

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