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Monday, March 15, 2010

Born Again Certificate-Mr. President?

You may be wondering why i am posting Born again certificate alongside the Mr President.Yes it is true.I think it should be that way,there is no smoke without a fire.
I was caught up in an event that happen very recently in Nigeria.It is no bad news,though it may have some elements of bad news in it.The event is a birthday party.The Robot's General birthday.He clocked 73 very recently.He is robotic, considering his  military capacity and training experiences.Don't misquote me,i think there is nothing else I watched his birthday party "'miliki' as they would want it to be" on the television screen.President Obasanjo is the man i am talking about.

The politically truth  speaker who often  want  to speak only when  there is tension,who may not be  interested in dousing the tension but  keep it flames burning,provided it will neither do him nor  his political aides any harm.He has ruled our nations before.He has ruled us again.He want to rule us again on the ground of speech.What i know is that speech has no ground in Aso Rock or else many,many mouth bags of this our dear nation would have get there.

I read of our pastor,a late pastor,Pastor J.E. Adebayo, a prophet of God who on his ninety something birthday was telling  people who graced his birthday ceremony that it is not the day you were born that should be your birthday,but the day you gave your life to Jesus.So if you have given your life to Jesus.....

The importance of what i am saying is that our birth is not significant, compare to our spiritual birth in Christ Jesus.Though you may celebrate birthday party, and the  royal fathers in the nation spills over at your ceremony,that is nothing,compare to the day you were born in Christ.If you don't know,born again issue is not what you should  joke with.It is your eternal stake.You are not born again, you are not born at all.The bible said, what shall it profit  a man who gained the whole world and loose his  own soul? The bible asked that,can  wealth  redeemed  souls?

A man who married an unborn again woman has not married a wife, likewise a  woman, a woman  has not married a man if she married an unborn again man.Dignitaries and big  names don't matter  before God and his Christ.If you because of what people will say refuse to give your life to Jesus.You have mistaken,i feared if you have not derailed. Our God is no respecter of any person.

To be born in Christ is better than to be born with  the world.We all have the common birth why mustn't we have the same spiritual birth ? Born Again certified family will enjoy one another better.If you have a born again  wife,i congratulated you.If you have a Born Again husband, be grateful to God.Home is where charity begin and our home is in the Church.In it only, in Christ's home you can claim charity.There are many in the world who will  always  give excuse as to why they are not Born Again.Many have eaten at the altars of the devil.People like these do found it difficult to come to Christ.

The truth is always there.God has spoken it .There is none to change it.Unless you are born of the Water and of the Spirit you cannot enter the kingdom of God.No amount of tittles,tithes,awards and qualifications you may have or have given God,shall guaranteed you heaven.What God says is that you need his Jesus and that's final.

Please i am not against  celebrating birthday but what i am saying is,are you born again?You will enjoy a happy home if you are among those with valid born again certificate at the coming of our Lord Jesus.
I hope the president is born again in Christ.I say happy birthday!!I pray he shall spend the rest of his life in Christ Jesus.

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