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Monday, September 13, 2010

Elections Court Cases-A political Plague

I want to write on the aftermath of Nigeria Election in general.Having keenly observed this peculiar disease plaguing our nations since the first republic.Though i have not been born,in the first and second republic, i have good information at hand through the history i have been studying these days.I am writing this for nearby future purposes.
We are about to go for Election which is going to make another history in the course of Election's history in the nation.I believe we can make it positive change,i mean,a history, so different from others in the past Elections history of this country,either in the national or state levels and i pray it be so in Jesus name.Why the prayer? I prayed this way, because, Nigeria Elections has been having its far reaching deep consequences on the manner of governance in every tiers of government.
The issue of dragging one another to court over Elections results,the history made me know that it has begun from the first republic and its still plaguing our nation till this day.Genuinely there must  a change we can believe in.We need a new method of approach.Nigeria Elections since the beginning of the nation's independence has had the trailing of these characters in them;opposition,chaos,killings,mass destruction of lives and properties among others.It is a pity that we continue to maintain nonchalance attitude toward the issue that need to be urgently dealt with once and for all.It is a pity!!
I have read of the AG opposition to the coalition government of the N.P.C  and the N.C.N.C  in the first republic based on Election disputes.The AG claimed foul play in the results of the Elections result,they have the lowest parliamentary seats,26 i think, while others,  two notable parties have their double seats in the parliament.It generated into crisis and it lasted till the end of the republic era Second republic  also vibrated the same chaos and also end up in the military intervention.Third republic also experienced Election crisis.The fourth the same.
Whenever and wherever there are disputes and cases like these, going to court is inevitable,however the bane of doing that is this,hearing of cases like this are usually protracted  to the detriment of the masses and a bad record for the elected officers responsible.When there are evidences of rigging and use of thugs during Elections,the disadvantaged ones have their right to go court for  redress.
That's where the agony begin, for the sued ones.Tell me ,will an elected officer who has been dragged to court or Election tribunal hold the office tight with a determined mind? The respect the public and the civil service under them will give them will be questionable,that's the truth.The mindset of some people will be that such and such may still be bulldozed by the Election tribunal and if at all they are going to give them due respect it will be an eye service,pending the final judgment of the court.
Political officers in such state  are always in the fever of being bulldoze by the tribunal.these days.Hence they and their cohorts go to any extent to ensure they are retain back in the office.Their wives too were not left out these days,i am sure they will make consultations and powerful lobbies to ensure their continue staying in the office,thereby denying justice.
However i have a point to make here,when in power people always want to do good.In fact they believe what they are doing are good enough,but they never achieve  because of the Election's effects on them.Government in the wrong hands  cannot survive being tarnished.Politicians become what they never envisaged themselves to look like because of the people they have round them.Nigerian men and women are governable and every leader,even  elected officers have the chances of doing  good but they soon forfeit such chances.
Many have placed the leadership trust of their offices in wrong hands and repercussion bounces back after they have left the offices.The Bible says "Commit your ways unto the Lord and He shall establish your path".
When you are rigging can you commit your way into God's hands or where is God when you are employing the service of thugs to save your days?When you are spending two and half years struggling with the Election tribunal axe,i pray God will answer you then!!!!!
There is plague but people are feasting.Please FEAR GOD.If you want to be governor by all means think of your name and prestige.Many names have been rubbished in Nigeria,now they are trying to patch things up!!!
Why don't you learn from them,you would do better if you learn rather than depend!!!
The issue of delay is denial is applicable because when case is been postponed you being denied from doing good for the people under you.We need to pray for the coming Elections that our country may not witness another chaos,delay and other troubles that comes after Elections that are not transparent.
God be with our President,Ministers,Governors,National Assembly men and women, other political office holders,other Election contestants and everyone in this nation in Jesus name.
Lord Jesus we pray for peace,transparency and tranquility.

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