I am writing into eternity,the writings of victory and victory in Christ Jesus .Get along with me as i begin to share Life experiences in a brand new way from Nigeria with you wherever you are...

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Don't mind me i am Raving !!!

How,how how ,how,........Ohhhhh.... How do one live without the others in this world, those who make one to sin, those who entice one.

Oh Lord i hope you will create me the Adam again in my own paradise and i will prove the World and the devil and his angels wrong.I will warn the woman you will give me heaven and earth, shout on my top voice, i will yell at her that she must not fall.I trust her she dares not, because won't we both want to break history!!!!

Hmm... what have i just said? Sorry its just blabbings .I am dreaming.Tired of this evil world, however, i am not tired of eating, and never to be tired of browsing right! I want God to create me a new paradise where i can prove Adam , the devil, the dragon wrong and where i can start a new history!!!!

Let me assure Him....

I will make it.I will do it the way you want .Trust me God Almighty.Before i embarked on doing anything i will first consult you. I will wait till you give me your word of wisdom and power and my woman must do that too.

Oh i am musing.....
God will you sit down here and listen to all i have to say.Yes, listen to my own side too,my human right!!!!!!! Yes i want my own human right to be different, before trials come my way i have the right to be informed.Yes, i should be given the details of how the trials will be, so i could decide to magnify my faith as big as himalayans mountains and land it on whatever problems the trials bring along!!!!!!!!!


I can see God nodding in my approval.Yes i have won ,i have won, i have won.Hallelujahh.........

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