I am writing into eternity,the writings of victory and victory in Christ Jesus .Get along with me as i begin to share Life experiences in a brand new way from Nigeria with you wherever you are...

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Marriage - My thinkings

Hmm... i hope this adage(Look before you leap...) has not kept me too long to write my thinkings on Marriage.

I am young but not so young as not to discuss marriage or to pencil it down here.No wisdom in marriage ,that's the first thing that came to mind on this issue.I have found no Wisdom in Marriage at all,it's like God have taken the part of Wisdom out of Courtship nowadays and marriage seems to keep going foolish and odious to me.

I don't think there's a lady out there!!!!!!!

Good girls are gone,i am a latecomer, men have married them off and i am feeling like a looser.The rest to me are just one bad groups like this,like the way Prof. Soludo was posed in national Punch newspaper some months ago!!!!!!!!!(To those who don't know him ,he is the Central Bank Governor of Nigeria,he lifted one hand upward the other junking the air and his face skyrocketing the space.....)

However, i have seen some rays of hope coming but made me sorry that there are still few Good girls on the earth but rare in my country.So, so , so , so ,rare.Those who likes you want you to be their boyfriend.If you say no or give no response, you soon see them marching away as if they are on the Parade ground.

The group has various categories!
Those whom i knew there lifestyle can not match mine, they professs to be Christian but i don't think i can live with them under same roof as life partner.
Those who are Muslims whose doctrines and faith is totally different from mine.
Those who are too close for me to marry.
Those who never want to see you because you or your friend has offended them.

I have found my thoery on marriage to be full of truth.Girls want to have romance and if you say no, off they back away.

The Lord is leading me ,that's why i don't panic when viewing girls' profiles.Girls online do constitue nuisance,that if one don't take care, one will disbelieve one's eyes for reading what computer credit as ones' comments.

However i believe the Good girl is still there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Waiting oh Lord for your Mrs new Eve......!!!!

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