I am writing into eternity,the writings of victory and victory in Christ Jesus .Get along with me as i begin to share Life experiences in a brand new way from Nigeria with you wherever you are...

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Wedding Ceremony.

To God be the glory. I was at the Solemnization of Holy Matrimony of Mr & Mrs Adebayo Omodusonu  today this 10th of December, 2009 (The Apostolic Church conduted Marriage programme on thursdays only). I prayed the Lord blessed the new family with Children and established them in Love  till his return  in Jesus name .

The two couples  who  were not young in age were joined together in a service at the  Akowonjo District headquaters of The Apostolic Church today.The marriage thrills and it's full of fun.I was among those who served food and drinks and i am so thrilled to be among.On sermon (Pastor C. O.  Odewole) who preached in the programme raised a salient point which struck my heart and raised some dust of questions.

His question is not thrown at me  but to the  married adults in the programme.He first describe how people in the world with worldly characters run their homes.

He said;

The dubious ones runs their home dubiously,
Those who are into Occultism ensure that it rings in their home.They influence their homes with Occultism, among others.He also described some other families...

He then asked, "how do the  married adults in the service  run their homes".I knew some will be hurt here. It pains to be considered unfit, unworthy or as a bad manager.  Pondering over  this,i think one should  neither be found wanting nor slacking.It is also my prayer that the Lord's grace will see them through in their marriage  by making then good managers of their marriage.

Lord how will i run my own home when i married ? Lord i hope i shall be a good manager in this noble institution you have created....

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

A dialogue with Christ

Once somebody like me have a vision  where he saw himself coming near the throne of God.
He was coming with boldness, and through his witty observation  he was able to look at the face of the angels , he met on the way to the throne.

Here are his observations!!!
 Firstly he observed they were heavily armed. So armed than  any American army ready for war!
Originally made fighters.
 Secondly they were so strong and heavy that his witty brain  quickly remembered what the Lord Jesus called them"Legions" while he was on the earth as one of us.
 Thirdly , he observed that all his movements were under watch, every steps he made were closely monitored!
He also observed that they were announcer of any new happenings in heaven.They announced his presence when he first appeared and later when he is getting near the throne.

Christ is aware of his coming and he has prepared a place where they could discuss at the right hand of the throne of God.Great, is it, isn't it?

The dialogue began

Evangelist: Lord i am so happy to be here.

Jesus: You are welcome

Evangelist:Lord i love your throne so majestic , so precious and so perfect.

Jesus :I am preparing your home too, filled with rare jewels and precious gold.

Evangelist:Thank you Lord.

Evangelist: Lord please when are you coming back?

Jesus:I have told you  my time of coming is at  hand, aren't you seeing the signs of my coming, moreover my father has set this period as the time of grace, unto everyone who repented of their sins. This is the perilious time. I have seen how the devil deceive many and busy sending many to hell, that's why i  have raised you and others up that i may used you in this end- time.

Evangelist: Thank you Lord for counting us worthy to be a honoured vessel in your hand.Lord, we are short of fund, evangelism now in the world is costly, even nowadays we spent so  much to host  church revival not to talk of open  or international crusade.Those who were wealthy were not ready to support, Lord they are not even born again and we find it so difficult to meet them for assistance.

Jesus:You have forgotten the power of my providence.I will provide for you. Start my work now,don't postpone it until you have much money.I have seen  lots of souls that will perish if you don't go out to tell them. They will be lost at the end of the world and it shall not be my joy!
For my father is not delighted in seeing sinners perished. Go out , Go out, Go out with tracts, Bible, go in one , go in two, go in multitudes, i shall go with you. I shall supply your need. Fear not. Havn't i poured my gifts in your midst. Why laid my gifts down waisting? Make use of my gifts,make use of them and i shall support you.

Evangelist:Thank you , Lord when i got back i shall tell all the brethren what you have sent me, some of them are writers, some are singers , some are even preachers, yes it is true they must use their talents ever than before. Thank you Lord.Tomorrow we are having a  chuch revival gatherings, we need your presence ,we shall go out before the service to invite your sheep, Lord they will come with their sorrows and problems please Lord meet them at the point of their needs and solve their problems. Give them wonderful testimonies to share and by the end of the service tomorrow cheer us all up.Thank you Lord. You are the Lord and forever you remain the Lord.

Jesus:Yes forever i remain the Lord. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. Go in peace for i have heard you and i shall be with you in all the works i have given you to do. I am the Lord.

He woked up to see that he has been dialoguing with Christ and he is quite sure tomorrow is going to be great. Hallelujah.

They are plainly my own words fictional it looks though but really it .... and i believe the Lord is touching some writers, some preachers, some pastors, some choirs and some, some other group in the body of Christ.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Marriage - My thinkings

Hmm... i hope this adage(Look before you leap...) has not kept me too long to write my thinkings on Marriage.

I am young but not so young as not to discuss marriage or to pencil it down here.No wisdom in marriage ,that's the first thing that came to mind on this issue.I have found no Wisdom in Marriage at all,it's like God have taken the part of Wisdom out of Courtship nowadays and marriage seems to keep going foolish and odious to me.

I don't think there's a lady out there!!!!!!!

Good girls are gone,i am a latecomer, men have married them off and i am feeling like a looser.The rest to me are just one bad groups like this,like the way Prof. Soludo was posed in national Punch newspaper some months ago!!!!!!!!!(To those who don't know him ,he is the Central Bank Governor of Nigeria,he lifted one hand upward the other junking the air and his face skyrocketing the space.....)

However, i have seen some rays of hope coming but made me sorry that there are still few Good girls on the earth but rare in my country.So, so , so , so ,rare.Those who likes you want you to be their boyfriend.If you say no or give no response, you soon see them marching away as if they are on the Parade ground.

The group has various categories!
Those whom i knew there lifestyle can not match mine, they professs to be Christian but i don't think i can live with them under same roof as life partner.
Those who are Muslims whose doctrines and faith is totally different from mine.
Those who are too close for me to marry.
Those who never want to see you because you or your friend has offended them.

I have found my thoery on marriage to be full of truth.Girls want to have romance and if you say no, off they back away.

The Lord is leading me ,that's why i don't panic when viewing girls' profiles.Girls online do constitue nuisance,that if one don't take care, one will disbelieve one's eyes for reading what computer credit as ones' comments.

However i believe the Good girl is still there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Waiting oh Lord for your Mrs new Eve......!!!!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Don't mind me i am Raving !!!

How,how how ,how,........Ohhhhh.... How do one live without the others in this world, those who make one to sin, those who entice one.

Oh Lord i hope you will create me the Adam again in my own paradise and i will prove the World and the devil and his angels wrong.I will warn the woman you will give me heaven and earth, shout on my top voice, i will yell at her that she must not fall.I trust her she dares not, because won't we both want to break history!!!!

Hmm... what have i just said? Sorry its just blabbings .I am dreaming.Tired of this evil world, however, i am not tired of eating, and never to be tired of browsing right! I want God to create me a new paradise where i can prove Adam , the devil, the dragon wrong and where i can start a new history!!!!

Let me assure Him....

I will make it.I will do it the way you want .Trust me God Almighty.Before i embarked on doing anything i will first consult you. I will wait till you give me your word of wisdom and power and my woman must do that too.

Oh i am musing.....
God will you sit down here and listen to all i have to say.Yes, listen to my own side too,my human right!!!!!!! Yes i want my own human right to be different, before trials come my way i have the right to be informed.Yes, i should be given the details of how the trials will be, so i could decide to magnify my faith as big as himalayans mountains and land it on whatever problems the trials bring along!!!!!!!!!


I can see God nodding in my approval.Yes i have won ,i have won, i have won.Hallelujahh.........

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Church today.

Today is a bit different on the issue of this Bible mathematics because i received positive  response from some of the youths.Somebody is challenged and they  are  reading their bible.I am quite happy to discover  that.However they need prayers.

They have been challenged and i hope this is going to go a long way to see that they were able to reach the threshold level of reading the bible for understanding purpose and on their own.We are able to clear some hurdles after the Church service which is quite long today, the pentecostal day.That's one of the peculiar features of The Apostolic Church throughout the  Lawna Territory ,Nigeria.On pentecostal Sundays we do tarry for the Holy Spirit and the power.That's always every  first Sundays of  a month.

The Church is quite lively and the Lord reigned, am  surprised today to meet  people ready for theSunday school class.I almost arrived late but by the grace of God we have Bible class which is centered on The Priesthood of Christ and its superiority over any other office of priesthood in the world.Using the manual i  took my texts from two   lessons and i would have dabbled into another lesson if not that time was fast against us, because we are to enter into the church service after the Sunday school and we have used some extra  minutes.However,there are improvements because i observed these people were totally attentive throughout the Sunday school class and i pray they are truly blessed.

I love the way the writer of the Hebrews  expound the priesthood of Christ and its superiority over Aaronic priesthood.Going back to Genesis, we read of how God called Abraham out of his father's house,promised to give him the lands of  the seven nations which he is going to drive out before the descendant of Abraham.He did. he gave them the land flowing with milk and honey.He gave them the Law which is known today and Mosaic law from which the ten commandments from,through the law he established the office of priesthood and he ordained Aaron as the first High priest in the land of Israel.

What an interesting story this soon become.Aaronic priesthood soon become known as Levitical priesthood.
The levites were chosen by God to be priests in Israel and they are to hold the office of priesthood for a lifetime.Their main duties is to stand before God to offer sacrifice necessary for atonement,in which animals were sacrificed.Through that they made man acceptable before God.They were the people's representatives before God.However,they have shortcomings which did not augur well with God's plan and have to be changed.

Flashing back to Genesis,we read  an astounding story of how Abraham paid tithe to Melchizedek,who doubled as both the king of righteousness and king of Salem which means the king of peace.However, the bible strike an already concealed plan of God when it mentioned the unique characteristic of this High priest of God  and when in comparison with Christ , they are parallel which means the priesthood of Christ  emanated from Melchizedek and not from Aaron.

Christ priesthood took roots from Melchizedek.The bible said ,CHRIST IS A PRIEST FOREVER ACCORDING TO THE ORDER OF MELCHIZEDEK.The story of Melchizedek is a mystery from God Almighty.We have  no record of his father,mother and descendant.He also has no record of the beginning of his life nor end of  life.He is superior to Abraham,Aaron and the law that why Abraham paid tithe to him and he blessed Abraham a sign of superiority.

The Sunday school ends well and the church service too.To God be the glory, i struck  deal with the youths that i am extending their submission date till next week for them to search for the answers of the remaining  five questions out of 20  ,they reminded me of the prizes to be be won too which i promised to give  the first ,second and the third winners and i see that they were thrilled.I am thrilled too.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

My thinking on Africa!

"Africa, what a  continent you are!" I said this because in you was i born and bred... but i don't think i am gonna live in you all my life...
I have wondered lately why God has so blessed Africa the way he did.Is it the blessings of the land,water or of the air, her good weather that i am to considered.Well, when you talked of human and intellectual resources Africa is blessed with great number of leading brains scattered all over the world, in terms of raw materials, a form of natural resources with examples like the bodies of waters;Ocean and the sea, logs; Obeche, Mahogany, Iroko trees to mention a few.We have them.Great trees abound in Africa than any other continents over the world.Raw materials like Iron ores, granites,sand, marbles etc, don't forget that God so blessed mother Africa with Crude Oil.The major raw materials the world will always need.

Then why is Africa in so much an abject poverty! It is no more an unanswered question to me  because the glaring truth is clearly understood, that Africa is behind her own mischief.I mean is it because Africa is a black continent that she has been suffering retrogression all these centuries?.Can you believe that we are the second most populous continent in the world but we relied on a few countries economic policy to survive.
The painful part is that we dance all at large to tunes we heard but not meant for us.No wonder that when there is no grants,no  solid budgets!!! No loans, no rehabilitation of roads,no medical support,no completion of projects,no electricity supply!!!! Africa you are doomed,what  messes in the midst of abundances.

Wail Africa because  those who eats you to bone were not satisfied yet,when they goes out to test or run  how rich they have become in abroad they do found out that they are not richer than the high school teacher over there because your currencies are too weak!!!!Millions looted in African currencies is not equivalent to millions in other parts of the world.When they return ,they  begins looting afresh..... ,i am sobbing for my continent.... just like when  Rachel  was weeping for her children and refusing to be comforted.

Prayers will do away all your problems when you O land begins to renew your thinking, when one, two, five,... gathered with  sincere minds to declare how the land of the blacks is to move forward putting God's fear as the foremost,fellow's and common care next and oneself comfort as the last.Presently,there is no fear of GOD in Africa at large.Common interest were not sought for and common problems keep abounding and multiplying in  geometrical rates,what a pity!

These trends must not continue,the trend of corruption,selfishness,massive unrest,depending on grants and loans by African governments to  finance budget,if we,the masses,rich man,his wives and his children in this African continent  were not  to remain perpetual, confirmed  beggars of the world.

Monday, October 12, 2009

About Yesterday.

Well, There is shortage of questions because the questions could not go round the other day it was distributed.Some were still complaining of not receiving the question.That's one problem i must work on and ensure issue like that don't come up again.
The sunday school programme went on just as predicted,many were late.Well you may not know the Church where i worshipped,i am a member of THE APOSTOLIC CHURCH,Bammeke Assembly, Akowonjo district, Agege Area, Lawna Territory, Nigeria.The theme of the sunday school programme used was "We are partakers with Christ".Through the grace of God amd using the outlines of the manual i am able to pass across to the students that we are to partake with Christ in his ;humility,suffferings,power through the Holy Spirit,teachings and we are to be a partaker through Faith.
Application of this theme to our daily living was clearly emphasized.One good example centred on Peter and other Apostles who went into hiding when Jesus died they couldn't partake , because they lacked the Holy Spirit and boldness to preach the gospel to the people,however when they received the Holy Spirit they become partaker of his humility, his sufferings and they wrought miracles.Hallelujah!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Tomorrow is Sunday!

I am going to Church tomorrow.What i must do at the church though quite few yet sometimes laboroius.
The members don't always come to sunday school early but i have decided not to wait too long for others before we begin ,they are to meet us in the sunday school service which commence from 8:00 am to 8:45.
The Apostolic Church encourages fundamental teachings of the saints.This little have had great and positive impacts in the lives of many people and it will continue to be so in Jesus name.
Tomoorow too it is possible i may be the interpreter on the platform but what i am longing for in tomorrow is the submission of the Bible Mathematics i gave the youth to solve.I hope they will do well.

Friday, October 9, 2009

My new blog

I have decided to open a new blog on personal issues arising from this life and i hope that writing and sharing them with everyone on this  blogging site  will be helpful and  encouraging.Life is  so good and worth of living  but on the other side Life is hard to live.Life never waits,the irony of our existence.Should life waits  ,i will never be a hurrying man but Life has  made a hurrying genes out of me.The haste to keep with the tides of Life,the  flying timing  of this Life.Life,... ask those who live it how they do every living day.

 Life's principles is another issue  to brace up to.It is  principal to Life's success because not adhering to them will soon turns Life to worthless thing unworthy to live for.My soul daily wait  upon the Lord and trust  in him for you shall be as Mount Zion which shall not be removed but abideth forever.